Hi Olga! Can you please tell us a few words about yourself and about the GSR?
Hi everyone! My name is Olga de Benoist. I am a writer, an artist, a business consultant and project manager, and, of course, a GSR specialist and expert. That’s if just in a few words. I am also a happy woman and a happy wife. I discovered the GSR (a deep development system created by a Russian researcher Dimitri Ustinov) a few years ago and started practicing it in 2020. Since then, my life has changed completely and keeps changing.
What is the GSR exactly?
The GSR is a revolutionary method which you can use to work with your own subconscious through a special technique. You can change your mind by getting rid of different negative programs heritated from your family system or during your life experiences. This method is quite straight forward, everyone can use it to change and improve your career, relationship, health, income, love, look and any field of your life which is important for you. The results are impressive and soft. I am happy to be able to have such a tool in my life, use it to solve any problem or to achieve any goal.
Which goals have you achieved with the GSR?
I am using this method of self-development for almost 1 year. I have been working with clients as a GSR specialist since February 2021.
And, as I said before, with the GSR my life has changed significantly. I have become calmer and happier, more effective, able to do much more things, to combine my books, art, work as a product manager and a GSR specialist, help other people to grow and so on. Before the GSR, my income was stable (not low, but not that much high), I was not able to accumulate money. Now the flow of my life has become richer and more intense (more events, more opportunities and more great changes), and my income has increase twice just in 6 months. Also, I have improved relationship with my family, we have become closer, more open to each other. I’ve got rid of my fears and barriers for some things that I was not able to get rid of through other techniques. I tried quite a lot of trainings and techniques before, but the GSR seduced me by its simplicity and effectiveness.

Sounds impressive! Please tell us more about your life! Where are you from?
Born in Russia in a small Siberian city, I grown up in the Central Asia. For last thirteen years, I have been living in Europe, mostly in Paris. I adore Paris, this is a vibrant city, a melting pot where lots of senses, cultures, nationalities and opportunities are meeting together and are enriching each other. Paris is one of my favorite cities, but in my heart, I am a world citizen.
You told us you’are also a writer?
Yes, this is one of my passions. Today, I have 4 books: The Age of Rain (2017), White Phoenix Tales (2019), From Nowhere With Love (2020) and The Devil From Pere Lachaise (2021). Three of them written on my own, and the forth is a collection of stories by writers from my Parisian literary club “White Phoenix”. I have been writing all my life, this is a real pleasure for me. There are lots of artistic projects coming soon, stay turned. The GSR is one of them. I would like to write a book about the GSR to help people to improve their life conditioning and get their dreams to realise. This is an artistic project which counts a lot for me.
Can you tell us more about the GSR and its method?
The GSR is a method created by a Russian researcher Dimitry Ustinov. Today, thousands of practitioners are using this technique in the entire world, and it’s keep growning.
Dimitry Ustinov united the best of psychological and spiritual practices and thus created something completely new that helps us changing our consciousness and subconschious in an impressive and effective way. The GSR is working with your inner world. By changing your feelings and states inside you from dark or innefective to ressourceful and effective, you are becoming much more accomplished, effective and performing in the real world, in your life outside your mind. So, you can become the master of your life, to change your life in a way you always wanted it to be.
With the GSR, you are working with your mind, different scenarios and feelings heritated from your family system and/ or got through real experiences and sufferings in your life. You are working with this on your own or with a help of a GSR specialist, someone who will applicate the technique and conduct you from these changes.
For example, the First Module in GSR is dedicated to those who want to work with themselves. You buy a course online (for less than 200 euros) and in a few weeks you will be able to start practicing and changing your mind and your life. The Second Module in GSR and further are dedicated to work with other people. In this case, you are a client working with a specialist who can help you to solve your problems or achieve your goals.
A GSR session, for example, lasts for 1 or 2 hours, and it is much more effective that a therapy or other methods, because after this quite a small period of time spent in the GSR session, you become another person, without this pain or problem which at the beginning you come with.
By changing all these scenarios, you are changing your relationship with yourself and this world, changing the opportunities you can get, all people that you are meeting in your life are becoming different because your inner state affects how you communicate and what choices you are making. Imagine, for example, that you are affraid of a public interventions or a job interview. You work on this problem and after 1 or 2 GSR sesssions you will be able to do these public performances without fear, you will be free to act in these fields of your life or any other that you will choose.
How the fact that you do not afraid to do something new will affect your life? It will change you completely! You will be able to intervene in your friends meeting or big bussiness presentations, to meet other people who will bring you more opportunities, may be find new romantic or business partners, be open to new choices. Just in 1 or 2 session, and you are taking new decisions and your life is going to a more effective direction. This is a revolutionary technique. Imagine, what happens when you are practicing it on a daily baisis? You are getting rid of your anger, of your attachment to this guy who did not love you when you were a kid and why you can’t trust other guys of these kind, or you are not stucked in the same life situations as before (the same small appartment or boring job or toxic relationship). You are changing yourself, and you are changing your life circumstances.

Is it difficult to master? This GSR session?
Yes and no. You can come to a GSR specialist who know what to do just to try this. You can acquire the First Module (now it exists in Russian, English and French) and practice it on your own. With each session you are becoming more confident in the method. So, you keep improving, but you can have your first results from the first session which you will make to yourself. They will be maybe not that impressive as those that you get after a session with a GSR specialist, but they will be improving, and they will be tangible, they will be yours.
What kind of problem the GSR works with?
Any kind of problems or goals. If you have lots of problems, you solve them and then you can start thinking of how to achive more things. If you are in a difficult situation, you solve this first. If your life is already great and you want to make it even better, you go directly to your goals and dreams. With the GSR technique everything is possible.
You can work with yourself through the First Module or with a GSR specialist to improve your relationship (a spouse, parents, children, partners, other members of family, friends or even with you boss), you can improve your health by solving psychosomatic issues; your income, business, job, body, perception of yourself, look, talents, get rid of negative feelings (fear, depression, addictions, old pains) and so on.
When the GSR method was created? How it helped to change your life?
The GSR was created by Dimitry Ustinov almost 5 years ago. Today, there are thousands of practitioners all around the world, and this number is increasing all the time. More and more techniques are developing. I have been practicing the GSR method for almost one year. Today, I work with the First Module (self-development), the Second Module (work with other people as a specialist) and the Expert Module (deep guideness of people from the First and the Second Modules).
As for my life, it has changed a lot and keep changing. I got rid of my melancholy and depression, a professional disease of artists, that affected my life. My life is much more great and fine, my quality of life is improving all the time. Today I know that I can work on any problem or goal with a GSR method. It’s a huge support. Just 30 minutes of a GSR session to myself, and any problem is not affecting me any more, I can take the best decisions for my future and can move to my goals and my dreams in a smooth and effective way. It’s great to have a technique in your pocket which is with you in any circumstances.
What would you tell our readers to encourage them to use this technique?
If you are curious, just try it. Try the GSR. And you will see how it works. And you will be amazed how this little thing that irritates you right now and affects your perception of the world, is vanishing. And you will understand, what you really want from your life, what you are dreaming of and can’t let you have it.